Thanks for 1 Million Views!!

Thanks for 1 Million Views!! #fex0qB6y


Dojjjjo OP Funny how I reached this milestone on this holiday. Thanks again :) I’ll give an update about my content/page after the holidays.
Russell407 Congratulations, you are definitely one of the best tributers around
frozengrape420 Well deserved brotha
gadogfromthefla6 you earned it! Congrats
fkmoneygetbitches Congrats! Love the content, look forward to more kpop
unbeknownst Yup, well deserved 1 million. Hope you get many more
TripleXSquishmellow Shout out to one of the best Hyoon tributers out there! You deserve it!
USER6611 Congrats, well deserved as one of the best tributers on here!
I-Own-Avril I feel erome should give you a golden tribute award/trophy of some kind. Like the buttons they get on youtube. Congratulations on 1M views
prophet115 my goat
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