The Early Bird Gets The Worm

#street #sw #human connection


Tommyhero765 Wassup with these short videos he’s been posting lately I’m bout to unsubscribe I think he’s getting money hungry
Fitzgibby2 OP I don't mind short vids at all. But I do get pissed when he has the 3-4 week lulls - shit is infuriating lol. Like, bro, those K blocks are 24/7 hoe central, wtf . But when dude cums thru, he's the 👑 of this shit. He's made so many incredible vids
Alienscum More like “chicken head gets the rock” 🤣🤣🤣
Fitzgibby2 OP The Whirly Bird Gets The Sherm
Greatone I prefer his long videos too
Emo1200 Upload more of him sitting down in backseat there better bro
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